Expert Virtual Care by

Experienced Medical Professionals for Chronic Diseases

Senior Second Opinion provides exceptional virtual care with the expertise of retired physicians.

Chronic Conditions Currently Covered




Chronic Cough

Inhaler Use

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Our Mission

Make healthcare accessible, affordable, and reliable for all, especially underserved communities.

Experienced Professionals

Our unique telehealth initiative leverages the vast experience of retired medical professionals to offer specialized services that are free, low-cost, or insurance-billable.

Convenient Visits

Patients can receive the care they need from the comfort of their homes, ensuring convenience and ease of access.

Featured Doctor

Dr. Don Bukstein, MD, CCA, a nationally recognized expert in Allergy/Immunology, Pediatric Pulmonology, and General Pediatrics. Dr. Bukstein’s dedication to shared decision-making and evidence-based practice ensures that you receive personalized and effective care.

Schedule a 20-minute telehealth visit today and experience the difference that expert care can make. 

Affordable Virtual Care By Experts

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